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Treatment of nerve tension in the legs

 Treatment of nerve tension in the legs, using alternative methods and common folk remedies, and what are the ways to relieve nerve pain in the extremities, where the problems of tension and nervous tension in the limbs are among the most common problems in women and the elderly, and to know the causes of nerve tension in the legs and ways to treat them, the site will present Contents , the following article, which will deal with the treatment of nerve tension in the legs, using medical methods and natural herbs.

What is Peripheral Nerve Tension?

This is a condition in which damage occurs to the peripheral nerves that transmit signals from the central nervous system to the extremities and organs and vice versa, as these nerves extend from the spinal cord, and when one of these nerves is damaged, a person suffers from problems, severe pain, weakness in the muscles of the legs and arms, and feeling severe pain.

What are the types of nerves in the body?

Peripheral nerves in the body have several functions, according to which they are divided:

  • Sensory nerves : responsible for transmitting sensations such as heat, cold, and touch.
  • Motor nerves: transmit signals and commands of movement to skeletal muscles.
  • Autonomic nerves : transmit signals that control involuntary bodily functions.

Treatment of nerve tension in the legs

The most important way to treat peripheral nerve tension problems, especially in the extremities and feet in particular, is to find out the cause that can lead to this, and treat the cause that contributed to this. practices.

Treatment of nerve tension in the legs with medicines

The following is a group of drugs that are used to treat nerve tension in the feet, and they are as follows:

pain killers

Pain-relieving medications are used to relieve pain caused by tension and tension in the nerves in the feet, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the pain is severe, analgesics containing opiates such as tramadol and oxycodone, which may cause addiction, are given; Therefore, it is only prescribed in very severe cases.

seizure medications

Although these drugs are mainly prescribed to patients who suffer from epileptic seizures, these drugs can effectively relieve nerve pain, especially gabapentin and pregabalin, which can cause dizziness.

topical treatment

By creams that contain active substances that are similar in composition to the natural substances found in hot peppers, these substances can cause a slight burning sensation where they are placed on the skin, but they greatly reduce pain, including capsaicin cream, and lidocaine patches, which are topical treatments that are placed in the place of injury, But it causes some numbness where it is placed, numbness, dizziness and fatigue.


These medications (tricyclic antidepressants) relieve the pain caused by tightening the nerves; Because they can affect the chemical neurotransmitters in the nerves that transmit pain to the central nervous system, and some types of antidepressants help treat nerve tension caused by diabetes. These medications can cause dry mouth, tiredness, changes in cravings, weight gain and less bowel movement.

Treatment of nerve tension in the legs with medical procedures

The following is a group of surgical procedures that are used to treat nerve tension, including:


By means of an electric current through the skin, where two electrodes are placed on the affected area, through which an electric current of a simple low frequency is passed, and this process is repeated for a month where the current is focused for 30 minutes continuously, as this current works to stimulate the nerves.

Plasma injection

Intravenous plasma and immune globulin injections are very important methods, especially for patients suffering from chronic nerve infections, because these methods provide the body with large amounts of immune antibodies, which are present within the blood plasma that separates it from other blood components, and globin, which is immune proteins that take from the body.


When nerve pain is caused by a cancerous tumor, this tumor usually presses on the nerves and causes severe pain in them, so surgery must be performed to remove the tumor and thus relieve pain.

Treatment of nerve tension in the legs alternative medicine

The following are some of the methods that have been clinically proven to be effective in treating peripheral neuropathy, although there are not enough studies on these methods:

  • Acupuncture treatment : It is one of the folk remedies that have proven effective in relieving pain, but provided that it is done with expert hands and with sterile and clean needles, and it can be seen that the pain eases, and the situation improves after each session.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid : It is one of the most popular methods in Europe, and it has shown its effectiveness in relieving feet pain due to inflammation of the nerves. This acid will not have some side effects such as high blood sugar, stomach problems and skin allergies.
  • Herbs : There is a group of herbs such as rose oil, which has proven its importance when used as a topical fat in relieving nerve pain in the feet, especially in diabetic patients.

Home treatment of nerve tension in the legs

The following is a group of home methods that can relieve injuries, pain, spasms, and tightening nerves in the legs, including:

foot care

By raising the feet continuously using lifters or on a pillow, and constantly massaging the feet, because standing continuously can cause muscle and nerve spasm in that area. their heat.

Doing exercises for the feet

There is a set of exercises that can be done to prevent muscle and nerve spasm and increase muscle flexibility in that area, which are stretching exercises and moving the leg down slowly and repeating this several times when the cramp is in the inner part of the leg, or moving the foot towards the head as well several times when the spasm is concentrated In the knee area, yoga exercises that help to relax in general and get rid of tension in the entire body.


Walking and regular exercise at least three times a week help relieve nerve pain, especially pain caused by some chronic diseases, because walking can increase muscle strength and flexibility, help maintain nerve activity and health, and increase blood flow to the feet.

Follow a healthy lifestyle

There are a number of practices that help relieve nerve pain, including: 

  • Stay away from bad habits: including smoking and alcohol abuse, because smoking can cause nerve pain and affect blood circulation.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Eat healthy food: The diet should be rich in elements and include fruits, vegetables and meat.
  • Observe the body: and note any abnormal problem .

Hot and salt water massage

This procedure is very useful and important, but it cannot be applied to patients with diabetes and chronic inflammation of the central nerves. The foot massage is performed as follows:

Put a large amount of lukewarm water at a temperature not exceeding 40 to 45 degrees Celsius.

Add a tablespoon of Epsom salt to the water.

Stir the water well, until the salt granules are completely dissolved.

Put the feet in the solution after making sure that their heat is appropriate, and soak them with massage for a quarter of an hour.

Take out the feet and massage them and lift them up.

natural therapy

It is a supportive treatment, especially when nerve pain is accompanied by weakness in the muscle fibers, where the nerves and muscles are supported with tools such as stents and crutches. This type of treatment also includes supporting the body with quantities of elements necessary for nerve health, including: 

  • Amino acids : There is a group of amino acids that come in the forefront of acetyl-L-carnitine acids that help relieve nerve pain caused by diabetes or chemotherapy, but warns of some of its side effects such as intestinal disorders.
  • Take vitamin B complex supplements : Studies have shown that a lack of this vitamin in the body can cause abnormal tension and tension in the nerves.
  • Eating minerals such as magnesium and calcium : Experiments have proven that the lack of these two elements can be a major cause of nerve tension in the feet, which is one of the frequent cases during pregnancy. The lack of these two elements causes a defect in the transmission of nerve signals; Which elicits leg cramps.

Peripheral neuritis symptoms

The following is a group of symptoms that accompany peripheral nerve infections, namely:

Feeling of numbness and tingling in the foot and hand, this sensation moves to the forearm or leg and turns into severe pain after a while.

Increased sensitivity of the extremities and sudden loss of sensation in the hand and foot.

Disorders in the coordination of body and muscle movement.

Weakness, fatigue, and inability to lead a normal life may develop into paralysis.

Causes of nerve strain

The following are a group of factors that cause nerve tension:

acquired neuropathy

It is caused by a number of environmental factors, including:

  • Exposure to toxins or infection and psychological and physical trauma.
  • Autoimmune diseases where immune cells attack nerves.
  • diabetes.
  • alcoholism.
  • Malnutrition or vitamin deficiency.
  • Cancer and chemotherapy drugs.
  • some medicine.

Kidney or thyroid disease

An infection such as Lyme disease, shingles, or AIDS.

Tiredness, fatigue, and standing up all the time can cause nerves to become tense and stretched.

hereditary neuropathy

It is genetically transmitted, and the most common of these diseases is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1, characterized by weakness in the legs and to a lesser extent in the arms, symptoms that usually appear between mid-childhood and the age of 30, and this disease causes problems with the substance that normally surrounds the nerves and helps them to deliver the necessary electrical impulses Its to trigger muscle movement.

Neuropathies of unknown etiology

They result from an unknown cause, as up to a third of all polyneuropathy cases are categorized in this way.

In conclusion, the treatment of nerve tension in the two legs was identified, and it was found that there are a set of medical procedures and auxiliary measures that help to get rid of the pain associated with nerve tension, and treat it, and the causes and symptoms of nerve tension were identified.


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