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Symptoms of otitis media in adults

 Symptoms of otitis media in adults? where otitis media is a common disease that affects both adults and children, and in the coming lines we will talk about the answer to this question through the website of the content. We will also learn the most important information about this disease, how to treat it, and much more about this topic in detail.

Inflammation of the middle ear

Otitis media is a problem that occurs as a result of a defect or disorder in the middle ear area, which is the area behind the eardrum, as it is a specific space that contains some air, and it also includes the vibrating bones of the ear, and most often it occurs This inflammation is the result of infection with a type of infection, and therefore treatment often includes a group of antibiotics that help get rid of these bacteria that cause this infection, and it is worth noting that this disease is more common in children from the first days of their life, but it is possible that It also affects adults, and the symptoms of this disease are characterized by that they go away easily and may often go away on their own, but it is necessary to go to the doctor in order to find out the cause and avoid complications.

The cause of otitis media

There are many causes and factors that lead to the problem of otitis media, but the main cause of this problem is an infection in the middle ear area, which leads to inflammation in it, and this infection can also occur as a result of a disorder in the ear canal known as Eustachian tube, which is an important channel located in the ear area, and connects between the middle ear and the throat, and in the event of any disturbance in this channel, this leads to the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum, which leads to infection and thus inflammation.

Risk factors for otitis media

There are many different factors that play an important role in otitis media, the most important of which are the following:

  • Age group: where age is the most influential factor in the risk of otitis media; children who are between half a year and two years old are the most likely people to contract this disease because of their weak ears; As well as the weakness of the immune system and its inability to attack diseases, such as in adults.
  • The method of breastfeeding: the method of breastfeeding children plays an important role in the possibility of them being exposed to otitis media; Babies who are breastfed while they are sleeping are more likely to get an ear infection that leads to middle ear infections.
  • Pollution: Being in a place where there is polluted air increases the risk of ear infection and exposure to infection and inflammation as a result of pollutants entering it.
  • Smoking: Studies and research have shown that smokers are more susceptible to otitis media than non-smokers.
  • Different seasons: As the problem of otitis media occurs more in the winter and fall seasons, the risk of developing this problem also increases in the season in which a person is allergic to a specific thing, such as hay fever allergy and others.

Other causes of otitis media

There are a number of other causes that lead to otitis media, the most important of which are the following:

  • constant exposure to colds and influenza; As well as sensitivity, which significantly affects the ear area and the auditory canal.
  • Suffering from a disorder that affects the way fluid is drained from the ear.
  • The transmission of microbes in the nose to the auditory canal causes inflammation.
  • stenosis or distortion of the auditory canal; Which leads to the accumulation of fluids and the difficulty of their exit; Which leads to the collection of germs and microbes.

Symptoms of otitis media in adults

Although otitis media affects children more than adults, adults also get this disease, and it causes some symptoms, and the most important of these symptoms and signs are the following:

  • Feeling of pain in the ear area.
  • Feeling of fullness in the ear.
  • Some fluid coming out of the ear.
  • Headache.
  • An increase in body temperature.
  • Dizziness, lethargy, and inability to do physical exertion.
  • Hearing impairment.

An adult may have some other symptoms, but these are not the main symptoms. The person may experience nausea and vomiting; As well as sore throat and nose, and tears in the eyes, and he may suffer from a loss of balance.

Symptoms of otitis media in children

Some symptoms may appear in children or the situation, which indicate that they have a problem with otitis media, and the most important of these symptoms are the following:

  • Crying more than usual.
  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • Earache, especially when lying on the side of this ear.
  • Fluid draining from the ear area.
  • Loss of appetite and loss of motivation to eat than before.
  • high body temperature;
  • Feeling of pain in the ear.
  • headache
  • Runny nose.
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in some cases.
  • loss of balance
  • Not making any response to the sounds.

Types of otitis media

There are several types of otitis media, which differ from each other in many characteristics, and the most important of these types are as follows:

  • Acute otitis media: It is a sudden infection that occurs to a person due to the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum, which causes symptoms suddenly as well, and often this inflammation is painful.
  • Chronic otitis media: It is an inflammation that occurs in a group of stages, and it recurs in a person every period and is often not painful like the acute type, but is accompanied by the exit of fluids from the ear and poor hearing.
  • Ear exudative inflammation: This type is characterized by the discharge of secretions from the ear area, which may cause long-term hearing loss, and this type of inflammation can occur after any other type of ear infection.
  • Chronic secretory ear inflammation:  This type is the most dangerous type, because it is not treated even with the use of various medical treatments that treat inflammation and infection, and this type may eventually develop into perforation of the eardrum or hearing loss.

Complications of otitis media

Although the symptoms caused by otitis media are often not serious, there are some complications that can occur if the condition is ignored and neglected, and the most important of these complications are:

  • Spread of infection in the ear to the rest of the auditory canal; Also, this infection may spread to parts of the brain; Which causes inflammation of the meninges.
  • Perforation of the eardrum, especially in the case of chronic suppurative otitis media that does not respond to treatment.
  • Permanent hearing loss if the ear is severely damaged.
  • Hearing loss in a person, increases and recurs over time each time a person has otitis media.

Methods for treating otitis media

There are some ways through which the middle ear problem can be treated, whether in children or adults, in order to reduce the severity of symptoms and overcome the infection in the ear. The most important of these methods are the following:

  • use of antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor; This is the primary way to treat ear infections that lead to otitis media.
  • Take anti-inflammatories that help reduce inflammation and swelling in the ear.
  • Use of pain relievers and antipyretics that help overcome headaches and earache and reduce fever.
  • the use of medicinal drops that contain substances that reduce pain; As well as containing antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor.

How to prevent otitis media?

There are some ways in which otitis media can be prevented, whether in adults or children, and the most important of these methods are the following:

  • Stay away from smoking, whether this smoking is positive or negative.
  • Not to be in places with polluted air, dust, and dirt.
  • Strengthen the immune system through healthy foods, as well as vitamins and supplements.
  • Do not wear headphones for a long time and make sure to clean them regularly.
  • Stay away from allergens as much as possible.
  • Go to the doctor periodically in order to check on the health of the ear.
  • Put the baby in an upright position when giving him a bottle of formula or, if possible, rely on breastfeeding.

Finally, we have answered the question of the symptoms of otitis media in adults?  We also learned the most important information about this disease and its symptoms in children; As well the most important risk factors that lead to infection, as well as its complications, methods of treatment and prevention, and much other information on this subject in detail.


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